
The National Council is a constitutional, constantly operating collegial public authority that aims at observance of Ukrainian legislation in the sphere of television and radiobroadcasting, as well as at exercising regulatory powers prescribed by respective laws.

Activity of the National Council bases on principles of legality, independence, objectivity, transparency, availability for public, consideration of cultural, ideological and political diversity in the society, consideration of the commonly recognized provisions and standards of international law in the sphere of television and radio broadcasting, plenitude and comprehensive review of issues and validity of adopted decisions.

The National Council consists of eight persons. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appoints four members of the National Council and the President of Ukraine appoints four members of the National Council.

The National Council is plenipotentiary when at least six of its members are appointed. The mandate of a member of the National Council starts at the date of appointment and lasts five years, except in the cases provided by the Law of Ukraine On the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. The same person can be repeatedly appointed a member of the National Council only once.

Representatives of the National Council are appointed to provide exercising of powers of the National Council in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol.

The Central Office of the National Council provides legal, scientific, information, organizational, material and other support of the National Council and acts in accordance with the approved Regulations and Rules of the National Council.

21 December 1993The Law of Ukraine On Television and Radio Broadcasting entered into force. It declared, for the first time ever, the establishment of the regulatory and supervisory public authority in the electronic media in Ukraine, the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.The activity of the constitutional, collegial body had a decisive influence on the development of the television and radio information sphere of the modern Ukraine. The National Council undertakes a public policy on broadcasting licensing, undertakes a responsibility for the rational use of the state radio frequency resource, participates in the implementation of public policy in the television and radio information sphere and exercises a control over broadcasters` compliance with license terms and current legislation.
25 April 1994The President of Ukraine L. Kravchuk issued a decree On the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine’. V. Barsuk (Chairman), A. Mykhailenko, A. Moskalenko, V. Pogorilko, M. Popovych, V. Tsendovsky, O. Yaremchuk became members of the National Council.
3 June 1994The President of Ukraine L. Kravchuk issued a decree On the Temporary Regulation on the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
1 August 1994The newly elected President of Ukraine L. Kuchma dissolved the previously established National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine and revoked the decree On the Temporary Regulation on the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine due to its incompatibility with current Ukrainian legislation.
15 December 1994The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a new Temporary Regulation on the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine that remained in effect prior the enactment of the separate law and appointed the personal staff of the National Council of eight persons. On the proposal of O. Moroz, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, V. Petrenko (Chairman), I. Mashchenko, V. Pogorilko, O. Yaremchuk became members of the National Council. On the proposal of L. Kuchma, the President of Ukraine, O.Kochektov, V.Kudin, O. Lyakhov, M. Slobodian became members of the National Council.
15 June 1995The National Council launched broadcasting licensing. The National Radio Company of Ukraine received the first license for three wired programs.
1995The National Council began to maintain the State Register of Broadcasting Organizations of Ukraine. It includes the data on broadcasting organizations that have been granted broadcasting licenses, program service provider licenses or have been registered as information entities.The State Register is constantly updated through inclusion or exclusion of broadcasters, changes on business activities, territorial category of transmission, license terms, etc.
28 June 1996The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Constitution of Ukraine at its fifth session. Para 20 of Article 85 of the fundamental law attributes to the authorities of the Verkhovna Rada “the appointment of one-half of the composition of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine”, para 13 of Article 106 attributes to the authorities of the President of Ukraine “the appointment of one-half of the composition of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine”.
1996NTKU and other broadcasting companies that later became nationwide, STB, Inter, ICTV, NBM, Studio “1+1”, received licenses of the National Council.
23 September 1997The Law of Ukraine On the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine came into effect, which expanded its powers, clearly outlined tasks and functions, and introduced a new procedure of the composition of the body. It prescribed that four members of the National Council were subject to appointment by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and four other members of the National Council were subject to appointment by the President of Ukraine.
1997Three powerful broadcasters, the National Television Company of Ukraine, Studio “1+1”, Television Corporation Inter went on air.
24 December 1998The National Council issued the first satellite license.
February 1999The National Council reported on its work at the plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the first time. The report was taken into consideration; however, the powers of members of the National Council were terminated in the middle of March and the new composition was not appointed.
16 March 1999The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the new list of four members of the National Council: S. Aksenenko, M. Kniazhytsky, V. Tsendrovsky, M. Chervinchuk
June 1999 – June 2000The National Council did not undertake any activities.
18 May 2000The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed the new four members of the National Council by preferential vote: M. Kniazhytsky, V. Leshyk, Yu. Pokalchuk, M. Poturaev.
June 2000The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine revoked the decision as of 16.03.1999 on the appointment of four members of the National Council by the Verkhovna Rada.
9 June 2000The President of Ukraine L. Kuchma appointed members of the National Council, M. Bagraev, V. Granovsky, Yu. Plaksiuk, B. Kholod with accordance with his decree. B. Kholod became Chairman of the National Council.
2000The National Council adopted a number of regulations, namely on licensing, competition terms on broadcasting licensing, as well as the order of retransmittion in the cable networks, etc. Subsequently, the regulations were amended.
14 December 2000The National Council established an award “Teletriumf” in order to promote the development of the national television industry.
2001The National Council became a member of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA), which included the regulatory authorities of most European countries. This independent international organization unites 52 similar organizations from 46 countries of the world and aims to share information, experience and practice between them.
22 March 2001The first ceremony of “Teletriumf” took place, which awarded winners of 2000 in 14 nominations which had been defined by the expert commission.
15 May 2001The National Council introduced “The Journal of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine”. On 23.05.2001, the Journal obtained a certificate of mass media state registration and was published until 2005 once every two months. In January 2006, the journal was converted into the newsletter. On March 18, 2009, the National Council decided to suspend the publication of the newsletter.
11 June 2001The National Council introduced its website. It contained the information on the electronic media regulatory framework, the structure of the Central Office of the National Council, competitions on channels and frequencies, the press service announcements, etc.
2002-2003Due to the rotation and the appointment of M. Bagraev, a member of the National Council, to the office of a deputy of Ukraine, pursuant to the decree of the Verkhovna Rada Yu. Shkarlat (February-July 2002), V. Ponedilko (since July 2002), V. Shevchenko (since July 2002), V. Manzhosov (since February 2003), T. Lebedeva (since February 2003) became members of the National Council, pursuant to the decrees of the President of Ukraine V.Pavlenko (since March 2003), V.Leshchyk (since September 2003), M. Fartushny (since September 2003) became members of the National Council.
2000-2003The National Council elaborated and adopted a number of important regulations on licensing and oversight of broadcasters over compliance with legislation of Ukraine; the active process of cable, satellite, satellite-cable broadcasting licensing began; ICTV, STB, New Channel, TET, Tonis, Ukraine expanded broadcasting networks, the networks of FM-stations were introduced.
18 June 2003The National Council introduced visual labels of video classification targeted at different age groups of viewers in accordance with its decision No 781.
14 April 2004The National Council adopted Recommendations on defining language of programmes and programs in program concepts of organizations that broadcast in the territory of Ukraine or apply for a license.The recommendations encouraged nationwide broadcasters and the ones that broadcast in several administrative-territorial units to broadcast in the official language, the language of programmes and programs of regional and local broadcasters (several settlements within one territorial unit) had to be at least 50 percent Ukrainian. Subsequently, the Recommendations were amended.
17 March 2005The Verkhovna Rada extended the terms of office of members of the National Council, T. Lebedeva, V. Ponedilko.
18 March 2005The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed members of the National Council, V. Shevchenko (Chairman), Yu. Plaksiuk pursuant to its decree.
3 April 2005The President of Ukraine, V. Yushchenko, appointed members of the National Council, I. Kurus, V. Lyasovsky, A. Myroshnichenko, Yu. Storozhuk pursuant to his decree.
13 June 2005The National Council signed the Memorandum of cooperation with television and radio broadcasters in order to promote the development of the national information space. It primarily stressed on the necessity to increase the proportion of national product in the air.
1 March 2006The Law On Television and Radio Broadcasting that provided a licensing procedure for program service providers and introduced quotas on broadcasting in the official language came into force. Therefore, the nationwide broadcasters were obliged to broadcast 75 percent of the daily transmission time in Ukrainian. The license terms of each broadcaster defined the language (languages) of its programmes and programs. Broadcasting licenses included a separate graph to indicate the broadcast in the official language.
14 July 2006The National Council updated the Memorandum in order to regulate the relations between the regulator and television channels mainly regarding broadcast in the official language and respect of quotas on national television product and its priority over the foreign one.
21 July 2006The National Council signed the Memorandum of cooperation with radio broadcasters.
2006The updated Law On Television and Radio Broadcasting introduced program service provider licensing through cable multichannel networks and MITRIS, Teleselo, MMDS systems, etc. This made possible to stop unfair competition in broadcasting sphere and mass violations of copyright and related rights.
7 February 2007The National Council initiated establishment of the Independent Expert Council on mass media activities during elections, an advisory body, which purposed to provide independent expert opinions, assessments and recommendations to the Central Election Commission and the National Council during an election period. There were also expert councils in 2007 and 2008.
7 February 2007The President of Ukraine dismissed Yu. Storozhuk from the office of a member of the National Council. T. Mokridi became the new member of the National Council.
2007The National Council initiated the digital broadcasting introduction process. The multichannel network in the multiplex MX-4 launched. The competition as of April 2, 2008 defined winners for broadcasting in this network.
28 December 2007The National Council adopted Rules for Maintaining the State Register of Broadcasting Organizations in Ukraine (decision No 1709).
1 March 2008Regulations on cable broadcasting licensing procedure and retransmission of programmes and programs came into force. The process of adaptation of foreign programs to current Ukrainian legislation began (Article 42 of Law of Ukraine On Television and Radio Broadcasting).
17 December 2008The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television. On July 1, 2009, Ukraine became a full party to the Convention. Since then, this international instrument guided the National Council in its regulatory activities.
21 April 2009The National Council accepted V. Shevchenko`s letter of resignation from the office of chairperson of the regulatory body.
24 November 2009The President of Ukraine dismissed V. Lyasovsky from the office of a member of the National Council and appointed O. Golovatenko instead in accordance with his decrees.
22 February 2010The President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko dismissed I. Kurus and A. Myroshnichenko from the offices of members of the National Council in accordance with his decrees.
23 February 2010The President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko signed Decrees on appointment of A. Myroshnichenko and L. Mudrak members of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
26 February 2010The President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych annulled the decree of the President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko On appointment of A. Myroshnichenko a member of the National Council as of February 23, 2010.
2 April 2010The President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych dismissed T. Mokridi from the office of a member of the National Council and appointed V. Manzhosov instead, later he was elected chairman of the National Council.
15 April 2010Yu.Plaksyuk resigned from the office of a member of the National Council. He became chairperson of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
29 June 2010The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed E. Baranov, O. Elmanova, I. Opilat, M. Fartushny members of the National Council.
2011The National Council began program service provider licensing on IPTV technology. It introduced a national network of terrestrial digital broadcasting in DVBT-2 standard and identified the program service provider for this network, LLC Zeonbud.
16-17 August 2011The National Council identified winners of the competition on digital broadcasting in multiplex MX-5 for regional and local broadcasters. 85 broadcasters had the opportunity for digital broadcasting.
18 August 2011The National Council announced the results of the competition on digital broadcasting in multiplexes MX-1, MX-2, MX-3 and MX-5 for nationwide broadcasters, 28 companies became winners and obtained digital broadcasting licenses.
11-12 September 2012The National Council identified winners of the second competition on broadcasting in multiplex MX-5 for regional and local companies. Another 21 local and 4 regional companies received digital broadcasting licenses.
14 November 2012The National Council accepted O. Kaletnyk`s (Elmanova) letter of resignation from the office of a member of the National Council due to her election a deputy.
4 July 2013The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed V. Georgievsky a member of the National Council in accordance with its decree.
11 February 2014The President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych appointed L. Bakalenko eight member of the National Council.
28 February 2014On the basis of the Decree of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On impeachment of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine on the Results of 2013 Report Consideration as of 28.02.2014 No 837-VII and the Law of Ukraine On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine On the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine as of 17.04.2014 No 1222 the authority of E. Baranov, V. Georgievsky, I. Opilat, M. Fartushny were early terminated.
March 2014The National Council applied to court to declare four Russian programs, The First Channel. The world network (LLC The First Channel), RTR-Planeta, The Russian Information Channel Russia-24 (Federal State Unitary Enterprise The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company), NTV-Mir (LLC Television Company NTV) to be contrary to Ukrainian legislation and the European Convention on Transfrontier Television. The Kyiv District Administrative Court of Ukraine obliged LLC Torsat and program service providers that concluded agreements with it to stop retransmittion of these foreign programs in multichannel networks in the territory of Ukraine.
4 July 2014The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed four members of the National Council by preferential vote: O. Herasymiuk, O. Iliashenko, K. Kotenko, O. Chernysh.
7 July 2014The President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko dismissed V. Manzhosov, L. Mudrak, L. Bakalenko from the positions of members of the National Council.At that date, Yu. Artemenko, V. Sevryukov, G. Shverk became members of the National Council in accordance with decrees of the President of Ukraine.
9 July 2014Yu. Artemenko was elected chairperson of the National Council, O. Herasymiuk first deputy chairman, G. Shverk deputy chairman, K. Kotenko executive secretary of the National Council.
11 September 2014The President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko dismissed O. Golovatenko from the office of a member of the National Council in accordance with his decrees.
2014The National Council, while serving the state interests and realizing the consequences of the programs, which traditionally contain false information, calls for incitement of war, hostility and hatred, contempt for the patriotic feelings of Ukrainian citizens and their impact on people’s minds, declared a number of foreign programs to be contrary to the European Convention on Transfrontier television and the current Ukrainian legislation. There were RTR-Planeta, NTV-Mir, Russia 24, TV Center- International, RosBusinessConsulting TV (RBC – TV), History (Federal State Unitary Enterprise The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company) among them.
18 December 2014The National Council adopted the first decision on temporary broadcasting in the territory of the antiterrorist operation.
Late 2014The unified radio network of Ukraine was created with the use of FM resource. The number of frequency allotments increased every year and as of 20 October 2018, the network consisted of 195 FM frequencies that broadcast «Ukrainian radio», «Promin», «Culture» (not included – the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk Regions and of Crimea).
2015Retransmittion of 10 Russian television channels, 24 Techno, Mir 24, Strana, Russkiy Illusion, Dom Kino, Oruzhie, Mnogoseriynoe TV, Shkolnyk TV, Fenix+kino, Illyuzion-plus, was restricted due to the spread of propaganda information by broadcasters of the aggressor state, the revealed facts of non-compliance with Ukrainian legislation and the European Convention on Transfrontier Television.
9 April 2015The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine On Condemnation of the Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes and Prohibition of Propaganda of Their Symbols. It prohibited dissemination and demonstration of films and serials that promoted or popularized public authorities of the aggressor state or their separate actions, created a positive image of public officials of the aggressor state, justified or claimed legitimate Ukrainian occupation. It also prohibited demonstration of films produced by individuals and legal persons since January 1, 2014. The National Council began to supervise over broadcasters` compliance with the Law.
10 April 2015When the updated Law of Ukraine On Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine came into force, the reform process of state broadcasting organizations into the National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine (NTKU) began. In the first stage, state broadcasters were merged into NTKU. With this aim, the National Council reissued 161 broadcasting licenses.
14 May 2015The Law of Ukraine On amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine on Peculiarities of Advertising Retransmittion in Programmes and Programs of Foreign Broadcasters, according to which the National Council was authorized to maintain the list of foreign programs permitted in Ukraine and which banned advertising distribution by broadcasters originated from the countries that had not ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier television, was adopted.
Since September 2015The Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law “On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine on Ensuring Transparency of Media Ownership and On Implementing the Principles of State Policy in the Area of Television and Radio Broadcasting”, according to which the subjects of informational activity (television and radio organizations and programme service providers) are obliged to publish on their respective websites and to submit to the National Council of television and radio broadcasting of Ukraine the information on their ownership structure and data on end beneficiaries – at the latest by 31 March of each reporting year.
14 September 2015By the Decrees of the President of Ukraine No. 542/215, 543/215 Mr. Vladyslav Sevriukov and Mr. Hryhoriy Shverk were dismissed from their positions of Members of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine due to being elected to serve as MPs of Ukraine.
14 September 2015By the Decrees of the President of Ukraine No. 544/215, 545/215 Mr. Serhii Kostynskyi and Ms. Uliana Feshchuk were appointed as Members of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
23 September 2015Ms. Uliana Feshchuk was appointed as a Deputy Chair of the National Council.
17 December 2015The National Council approved on its meeting the composition of the supervisory board of NTKU of 17 members: 9 members from non-governmental organizations and 8 members from parliamentary fractions and groups.
16 June 2016The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law, which obliged broadcasters to respect 35 percent quota of songs in the official language from the general number of songs of daily broadcast. Moreover, it provided that at least 60 percent of daily programs should be in the official language. The law shall be implemented in three stages.
2 August 2016The National Council accepted K. Kotenko`s letter of resignation from the office of a member of the National Council.
27 September 2016Mr. V. Koval was appointed a member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No 412/2016.
24 November 2016Mr. O. Iliashenko was elected executive secretary of the National Council.
13 June 2017The Law of Ukraine “On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Language of Audiovisual (Electronic) Mass Media” was published.In accordance with the requirements of the Final and Transitional Provisions of the Law that came into force on October 13, 2017, during the first year of its operation, all shows and films of domestic production and national audiovisual product are accounted for in the requirements as the share of shows and films produced in the state language.Since October 13, 2018, the following requirements regarding the share of the Ukrainian language are stipulated:• not less than 75% of the Ukrainian language – on the air of national and regional TV channels;• not less than 60% of the Ukrainian language – on the air of local TV channels;• not less than 75% of the total amount of news broadcasts – news in the Ukrainian language.
7 December 2017The Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning Termporary Permits for Broadcasting in the Area of the Anti-Terrorist Operation and Border Regions of Ukraine”, which legitimized the concept of temporary broadcasting in territories with the special regime of broadcasting and granting of corresponding permits of the National Council instead of licenses on the application basis on non-competitive grounds
11 July 2018The National Council unfolded issuance of permits for temporary broadcasting in territories with the special regime of broadcasting according to the Procedures for issuance and annulment of temporary broadcasting permits, terms and conditions of permits and procedures for supervision over compliance with legislation on TV and radio broadcasting of TV and radio organizations that carry out temporary broadcasting in territories with the special regime of broadcasting on the basis of the relevant permits approved by the Decision of the National Council of March 1, 2018 No. 288 and registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 29, 2018 under No. 386/31838.As of October 26, 2018 31 TV and radio organizations provide broadcasting on 97 frequencies and on 34 TV channels – on the basis of temporary broadcasting permits.
2014-2018Retransmission of 80 foreign channels in the cable networks was ceased due to their inconsistency with the requirements of both the legislation of Ukraine and the European Convention On Transfrontier Television. Whereas, as of 11 October 2018, 181 foreign channel are allowed for retransmission.
31 July 2018Analog TV was switched-off in Kyiv and Kirovohrad Regions.
31 August 2018Analog TV was switched-off throughout the territory of Ukraine. The UA:PBC TV channels, local broadcasters, analog channels on the territory of the Anti-Terrorist Operation and in the areas bordering on the aggressor state will continue broadcasting until May 1, 2019.
29 November 2018The development of the network of military and patriotic radio “Army FM – Military Radio” was launched. The radio station obtained competitive FM-frequency allotments in the cities of Kyiv, Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr.
8 May 2019By the Decree of the Government of Ukraine of 31 December 2019 the deadline for analogue TV switch-off was postponed in the territories bordering on the Russian Federation; in the temporarily occupied territories covered by analogue TV; for local broadcasters who has not obtained digital broadcasting licenses yet.
30 May 2019By its Decree No. 2730-VIII the Parliament of Ukraine appointed Mr. Maksym Onopriienko to the position of the Member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
9 July 2019By his Decree No. 510 the President of Ukraine dismissed Mr. Iurii Artemenko from the position of the Member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
9 July 2019By his Decree No. 503 the President of Ukraine appointed Mr. Iurii Zinevych to the position of the Member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
11 October 2019The FM-networks for two public service radio channels – “Radio Promin” and “Radio Culture” – were competitively formed.
18 October 2019The approved amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine” improved the procedures of assignment and dismissal of Members of the National Council.
31 October 2019Ms. Olha Herasymiuk, Mr. Oleh Chernysh and Mr. Oleksandr Iliashenko dismissed from the position of the Member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine by the Decree of the Parliament of Ukraine No. 261-IX. Continued to perform their duties until the day of appointment of new Members of the National Council by the Parliament of Ukraine in accordance with part 1 of Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine No. 138-IX of 2 October 2019 “On Amending the Law of Ukraine “On the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine” concerning Improvement of the Procedures for Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine”.
4 March 2020Decrees of the President of Ukraine No. 63, 64, 65, 66 entailed the early removal of the Members of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting from office Mr. Iurii Zinevych, Mr. Valentyn Koval, Mr. Serhii Kostynskyi, Ms. Uliana Feshchuk.
5 March 2020By his Decrees No. 67, 68 the President of Ukraine appointed Mr. Iurii Zinevych and Mr. Valentyn Koval to the position of the Members of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
15 April 2020By his Decree No. 147 the President of Ukraine appointed Ms. Olena Nitsko to the position of the Member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
22 April 2020The authority of the First Deputy Chair of the National Council for Ms. Olha Herasymiuk was terminated; the authority of the Executive Secretary of the National Council for Mr. Oleksandr Iliashenko was terminated.Ms. Olha Herasymiuk was elected as a Chair of the National Council; Mr. Valentyn Koval was elected as a First Deputy Chairman; Mr. Oleh Chernysh was elected as a Deputy Chairman; Mr. Iurii Zinevych was elected as an Executive Secretary.
12 May 2020By his Decree No. 171 the President of Ukraine appointed Ms. Tetiana Rudenko to the position of the Member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
15 December 2021By its Decrees No. 1956-IX, 1957-IX, 1958-IX the Parliament of Ukraine appointed Mr. Oleksandr Burmahin, Mr. Oleh Chernysh and Ms. Olha Herasymiuk to the position of the Member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
22 December 2021The authority of the First Deputy Chair of the National Council for Mr. Valentyn Koval was terminated; the authority of the Executive Secretary of the National Council for Mr. Iurii Zinevych was terminated.Ms. Olha Herasymiuk was elected as a Chair of the National Council; Mr. Valentyn Koval was elected as a First Deputy Chairman; Mr. Oleh Chernysh was elected as a Deputy Chairman; Ms. Olena Nitsko was elected as an Executive Secretary.

Action Strategy of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine 2024-2026

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